White Horse Inn Thirtieth Reunion
This past weekend, as part of a larger gathering, the good folks at White Horse Media arranged a thirtieth reunion recording with the original hosts, Michael Horton, Rod Rosenbladt, Ken Jones, and yours truly.
I thought you might enjoy some “then and now” pictures—see below.
Watch the White Horse Inn website for broadcast details . . .
Recording the first of two reunion broadcasts
Rod Rosenbladt, the missus (Micki), KR, Ken and Lisa Jones, Mike Horton
Here we are at Christmas 2008: Ken and Lisa Jones, Lisa and Mike Horton, Rod, KR and Micki
Os Guinness was the featured speaker at the main event. But we’ve done this before (see below)
Os was a guest on the White Horse Inn back in 2007. I think we’ve all aged well, except that shirt doesn’t fit me anymore!