The Mountains Are Calling . . .
Photo of Mount Whitney and the Alabama Hills by Max Chiang
And I must heed the call . . .
The R’s are taking our annual trek to the Eastern Sierras. So, little will happen here until mid-August.
Lord willing, upon my return, we’ll get back to our regular programing, including new episodes of the Blessed Hope Podcast (we will pick up at 1 Corinthians 7:1), new installments in my series on Christ’s Spotless Bride (ecclesiology) and the completion of my exposition of the Book of Daniel.
In the meantime, if you haven’t done so, check out some of the resources on the Riddleblog, including sermons, book reviews, recommended readings, my musings, and lots of content under the Amillennialism, Biblical and Theological Studies tabs at the top of the page.
The missus and I will be posting about our time in the Sierras, so feel free to check out my Instagram.