Coming Soon! Season Two of the Blessed Hope Podcast -- “When the Lord Jesus Is Revealed from Heaven: Paul’s Thessalonian Letters”
Look for new episodes of season two of the Blessed Hope Podcast to drop before the end of the month!
In season two, we will tackle Paul’s Thessalonian letters in a verse by verse in-depth manner (as we did in season one when we went through Galatians—you can find season one Here).
If you are interested in eschatology, you’ll likely enjoy this series. We will discuss our Lord’s second advent and related matters (the center of all New Testament eschatology), the Antichrist, and Paul’s warning of the coming wrath of God to be revealed on the day of Christ’s return.
We’ll also consider Paul’s words of encouragement to the Thessalonians, a new congregation composed of mostly Gentiles in the heart of Macedonia, and the fruit of the Macedonian Call and Paul’s second missionary journey. Throughout these letters, Paul reminds us that Christianity is, at its heart, a missionary religion.
Bibliography for Season Two of the Blessed Hope Podcast, “When the Lord Jesus Is Revealed from Heaven: Paul’s Thessalonian Letters”
F. F. Bruce's "Paul: The Apostle of the Heart Set Free" The Life and Times of Paul—Still the best biographical study of Paul
G, K, Beale, 1-2 Thessalonians (IVP NT Commentary) The best all around commentary on the Thessalonians letters (strong on eschatology)
F. F. Bruce, 1 and 2 Thessalonians (Word) One of the better technical commentaries—Bruce is especially strong on background, setting, and historical matters
Gene Green, The Letters to the Thessalonians (Pillar) A very good scholarly evangelical commentary
John Calvin, 1 and 2 Thessalonians (Crossway Classics) Calvin’s insights into this letter are still worth consideration
A History of the City of Thessalonica Important background to our series
The Via Egnatia — The Roman Road Traveled by Paul, Silus, and Timothy