Rejoice Always?
Peter and John Run Toward our Lord’s Tomb
When writing to Christians in the city of Thessalonica, the Apostle Paul instructs them, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). The Thessalonian church was founded by Paul, Timothy, and Silas on Paul’s second missionary journey, and was composed of people who left Greco-Roman paganism to embrace Jesus Christ by faith. Thessalonica was a large city (about 100,000 people lived there) on a major road when Paul visited the area. Thessalonica was the capital of the Roman province of Macedonia. It was an important place to plant a church. But it was hardly a friendly environment for new converts.
Having heard about their struggles after his departure, Paul writes to them from Corinth, partly to clear up some confusion in the congregation about the Lord’s return, but also to instruct them how to deal with their difficult circumstances. Paul is direct in his exhortation to the Thessalonians. Rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks in all circumstances should characterize the lives of these new Christians in the face of heated opposition from those who simply cannot understand why people would worship a Jewish Rabbi from far away Palestine, who claimed to be the Son of God only to be put to death by the Romans. But if that same Rabbi had been raised from the dead—as Jesus had been—how could you not worship him? One who conquered death was surely an object of hope in any time of trial.
Yet, to command Christians to rejoice under difficult circumstances is hard to understand without the proper context—the empty tomb. We can certainly understand why Christians facing opposition from unbelievers would need to pray. It was vital that these new Christians learn to seek the grace of God to sustain them during times of trial. We can also understand why Christians should give continual thanks for the mercies of God which they continue to receive. But why must God’s people rejoice during times of trial and persecution? Is Paul merely repeating a pagan ideal?
Here is where the proper context can help us. Paul’s teaching about Jesus throughout his letters reveals that the Apostle is a critic of Greek stoicism–a philosophy of life which taught people to live resolutely in accordance with fixed laws of nature. At first hearing, Paul’s command to rejoice during trial sounds a bit like what Greeks might expect from a stoic philosopher. Why would Paul command this if not a stoic himself?
The answer is to found by looking to the future and the eternal hope promised to every Christian–the context for present sufferers commanded to rejoice in difficult times. Christian hope is wonderfully captured in Burnand’s remarkable painting of Peter and John (especially the anticipation on their faces) as they run to see for themselves if the reports about Jesus having risen were indeed true. Was his tomb really empty? The two disciples will soon see for themselves. Grief became hope, which, in turn became the certainty of sight, which became rejoicing that first Easter.
Like Peter and John, Paul also had seen the Risen Christ when Jesus appeared to him while Paul was on his way to Damascus to arrest and hunt down Christians who had escaped there from Jerusalem. Paul knew that whatever trials Christians must endure, they will eventually end with believers participating in the victory won for us by Jesus. We are to rejoice because of what God has promised us.
A bit later, Paul is addressing “the marks” of a true Christian in Romans 12:9-21. These marks are the manifestations of new religious affections in the lives of those justified through faith in Jesus, now indwelt by the Holy Spirit, and who are being confirmed to the image of their Savior. The key manifestation is love for Jesus and those redeemed by him (Romans 12:9). Such love is drawn toward the good, while abhorring evil. It can be seen in brotherly affection and honor (v. 10), as well as in zeal and sincerity in serving the Lord (v. 11).
In verse 12, Paul gives us the context for rejoicing in times of trial. “Rejoice in hope.” The reason why Christians are commanded to rejoice in the midst of trials, suffering, and persecution becomes clear. Based upon God’s track record of keeping his promises (especially by raising Jesus from the dead), Christians know that their trials are temporary, however difficult, and that when all is said and done, God promises to turn every current trial to our eternal good (Romans 8:28). True joy is not grounded in personal sentiment or emotions (“I feel joyful”), nor in a stoic resolution to bravely face the future. Rather, joy and its fruit—rejoicing—is grounded in the fact that a crucified Savior who died for our sins so as to turn aside the wrath of God was also bodily raised from the dead, and will come again in fulfillment of all his promises.
Christians rejoice in times of trial and suffering because doing so emulates the saving work of Jesus, who suffered and died, before being raised from the dead and then exalted to the right hand of the Father, where he rules over all things. The pattern established by Jesus–suffering preceding glory–holds true for all those who trust in him and are united to him by the Holy Spirit. Just as Jesus suffered and was raised from the dead, the same thing is promised to us. Our suffering, trials, temptations, and whatever persecution we face will give way to all the blessings Jesus has promised to us–the future hope of which Paul often speaks as, for example, 1 Corinthians 15:19; 1 Thessalonians 5:8; 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17.
Rejoicing in times of trial is not some meaningless religious ritual in which we focus upon how we feel, or resolve to be brave. Instead, we are following the example set by Jesus in his own life, death, and resurrection. Suffering and trials give way to the resurrection of our bodies, future glory, and eternal life. Paul makes this point earlier in Romans; “And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience” (Romans 8:23–25).
Christians can rejoice in the midst of present suffering because of Jesus, who has secured and now guarantees, a future joy for all those whom he redeems. Paul’s exhortation to the Thessalonians to rejoice in all circumstances makes every bit as much sense as does praying and giving thanks.