Posts in Musings
Mid-Summer Musings (7/28/2023)

Riddleblog and Blessed Hope Podcast news:

  • I will be taking a short break at the blog and the pod—the mountains are calling.

  • I’ve begun a new Riddleblog series, A Primer on Reformed Liturgics (with two installments posted so far). Once completed, I’ll compile them as a single document under Riddleblog publications.

  • I’ve completed my series on 1 Peter, and will tackle 2 Peter next.

  • Lord willing, the next up in the Blessed Hope Podcast series, “The Future”, is “The Returning King and His Kingdom.” Look for it upon my return.

  • Did I mention how much I hate endnotes in books?

To read check out the recommended links and see the video, follow the link below

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Musings (7/14/2023)

Riddleblog/Blessed Hope Podcast News:

  • Logos Re-flagger has been added to the Riddleblog—whenever your cursor hovers over a biblical citation, a popup will appear citing the passage in the ESV.

  • The new pod series, “the Future,” has launched on the Blessed Hope Podcast. “The Future” deals with the question, “what does the future hold for the people of God?” It is a series of pre-covid Bible prophecy conference lectures I’ve given through the years, combined and edited to podcast format.

  • The Blessed Hope Podcast has just passed a very significant milestone in terms of downloads (who’d have thunk??), so thanks to all of you who listen, and especially to those of you who recruited new listeners!

  • A head’s up . . . My annual trip to the Eastern Sierras is coming up soon, so there will be a week or so with little activity here at the blog and at the pod.

To see the rest of my “musings” (links, book recommendations, and a video) follow the link below

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The Latest Musings (6/24/2023)

Riddleblog Update:

If you listen to the Blessed Hope Podcast, I recently uploaded a postscript to season two: What Is Next for the Blessed Hope Podcast? Season Two Wrap-Up. I explain where we are going and why. Look for a short series entitled “The Future” before we start season three, when we take up Paul’s Corinthian letters.

Currently Reading:

Now that I am retired, I can read things I want to read just because I want to read them. And I have the time to do so.

First up was Jack Curry’s The 1998 New York Yankees -- The Inside Story of the Greatest Baseball Team Ever. A great read from someone who covered that team (Curry was the Yankees beat writer for the NY Times) and still had standing twenty-five years later to follow up with the players from that team in preparation for this book. There’s much here I didn’t know (David Wells had a terrible hangover when he pitched his perfect game), and much here I had forgotten (the Yankees were 73-1 when leading after seven innings, Bernie Williams won the batting title, El-Duque’s remarkable season, Jim Spencer’s incredible home run binge at the end of the year).

To read the rest of my “Musings” follow the link below

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June Musings (6/3/2023)

News and Riddleblog Updates:

  • I will soon wrap up season two of the Blessed Hope Podcast in which we worked our way though Paul’s two Thessalonian letters. Watch for an announcement about season three and some possible episodes on various topics before the new season three episodes (on Paul’s Corinthian letters) begin.

Recently Read:

For those interested in Victorian history and the background to World War One, you will enjoy this fascinating book from Miranda Carter on three remarkable first cousins and grandchildren of Queen Victoria. George Nicholas and Wilhelm: Three Cousins and the Road to World War I. How did three first cousins (King George, Czar Nicolas, and Kaiser Wilhelm) bring the three great European nations they led from apparent peace and prosperity into the Great War with its unprecedented death and mass destruction. Carter describes the way in which both the unique personalities of each, along with events beyond their control (especially in the Baltic), brought about this horrific cataclysm.

Why did Wilhelm choose to wage war on England and Russia and his royal first cousins who led them. Carter’s narrative asserts that while Victoria was alive, she was able to keep all three vastly different personalities in check (along with a host of other Europeans royals related to her in one way or another). But Victoria could not live forever. Kaiser Wilhelm was the aggressor in the Great War. Carter describes how Wilhelm’s anglophilia gave way over time to an aggressive German nationalism. Wilhelm coveted a navy as powerful Britain’s, he wanted a greater share of the colonial pie, and he came to resent his cousin George. Nicolas was a self-isolated milquetoast of a man, who did little as his nation careened toward a horrible war and a bloody Bolshevik Revolution in which he and his family would perish. King George presided over a colonial empire at the end of an industrial revolution which left England with serious social ills and growing resentment of the crown.

As one reviewer put it, this is “history at its most entertaining, full of scathing and often witty descriptions of the follies and tragedies of royalty, and the way in which the three royal cousins’ lives, despite the deep social divide between the royals and ordinary people, became intertwined with the changes and the dangers confronting the major European powers in the early years of the 20th century. It is a splendid picture, splendidly narrated.” I agree.

To read the rest of June Musings, follow the link below

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More Musings (5/27/2023)

News and Riddleblog Updates:

  • Now that the WSC spring semester is over, and I have a bit more time, you will notice a number of updates at the Riddleblog. The Biblical and Theological Studies tab has been re-worked to make it easier to find past entries.

  • Some of you have suggested that I add the Logos extension which allows biblical citations to appear in a pop-up window. Great idea! But the version of Squarespace which I am currently using does not support that extension. Drat!

  • I will soon be wrapping up season two of the Blessed Hope Podcast, a study of Paul’s two Thessalonian letters. I’ll devote a season two follow-up episode to explain where we will be going after season two concludes.

  • One of the benefits of retirement is that the missus and I will be able to do some traveling. So, there may be a week here or there when I drop off the map.

Hummel’s New Book on the Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism:

  • As of this writing, I am far along in Daniel Hummel’s fascinating and important new book, The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism. If you have a dispensational background, or if you are interested in the history of evangelicalism, this is a must read. I’ll have a lot more to say about it down the road (some positives and a few cautions). But here’s a brief summary. "Left Behind"

To read the rest, follow the link below

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Musings (05/13/2023)

News and Updates:

This past week I wrapped up my Spring course (ecclesiology) at Westminster Seminary California. My three year term as visiting professor of systematic theology is up and a new full-time professor will be filling the gap which I had previously covered.

I truly enjoyed my time in the classroom, but am ready to step aside. Thanks to the WSC faculty for giving me the chance to finish up my career as a seminary professor! Thanks to the students who endured too many dad jokes and quips from the beloved Rod Rosenbladt (AKA “the prophet Rod”).

I’ll be plenty busy with the Riddleblog, The Blessed Hope Podcast, several book projects, as well as teaching the weekly adult Sunday school class at Christ Reformed Church.

To read the rest of my “musings,” and peruse the “recommended links” follow the link below

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Musings (3/13/2023)

To read the rest of my “musings” follow the link below

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Year-End Musings (12/31/2022)
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Musings (11/30/2022)

Riddleblog Updates:

  • The Reformed Confessions tab has been edited and updated to support the new series on the Canons of Dort

  • Thanks much to Nick for the updated (and improved) Blessed Hope Podcast artwork.

Musings (links):

To read the rest of my “musings” follow the link below

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Musings (10/31/2022)
  • Here’s yet another important reminder that, “yes, our Reformed theological forefathers were indebted to Aquinas for a number of things.” Acknowledging this to be true is a fact of historical theology, not necessarily a step on the slippery slope to Rome as some fear. Here’s a great example of what I mean. David VanDrunen on "Standing on Aquinas' Shoulders"

  • If you don’t think that things have gotten absolutely crazy among Christian nationalists, here are three links which should disabuse you of the notion that this movement is not theologically problematic.

To read the rest of my “Musings” follow the link below

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Musings (10/01/2022)
  • According to CNN, "Rapture anxiety” is really a thing. An improper understanding of our Lord’s return leads to anxiety on the part of God’s people (when the second coming is to be thought of as the “blessed hope”) and mockery on the part of unbelievers who, barring faith and repentance, should be terrified of the Lord’s return.

  • If Rapture anxiety is really a thing, it is time to check the "Rapture Ready Index" which tells us it is time to "fasten our seat belts!" The cynic in me asks if the whole point of the Rapture is to be caught up with the Lord in the air, why should I put on a seat belt? That might leave a mark.

  • Califonia’s governor, Gavin Newsom, sans mask and while dining at the French Laundry, went after Grace Community Church during the Covid lock-down. Newsom has also paid for billboards around the country with grossly misused Bible verses encouraging women seeking abortions to come to California as a sort of abortion haven. John MacArthur, who won his court case against Newsom, and who clearly occupies the high-moral ground, calls Gavin Newsom to repentance in a very public manner. John MacArthur's "open letter" to Governor Newsom.

  • Read it and weep. Ligonier’s annual doctrinal survey is a sad and serious indicator of the fruit of a whole generation of American evangelicals telling us that doctrine doesn’t matter. Evangelicals know premarital sex is wrong (nearly 90% agree), but nearly half embrace the most serious heresy in church history without knowing it (Arianism). Evangelicalism has been swamped by the “subjective turn” — “I think, I feel . . .” Ligonier's "State of Theology" Survey

To read the rest of my “Musings,” follow the link below

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Musings (9/7/22)

To read the rest, follow the link below

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Musings (8-13-22)


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Musings and Riddleblog Updates (7/16/2022)

Riddleblog Updates:

  • The mountains are calling — the annual Summer slowdown here at the Riddleblog is at hand. Our regular programming will resume in August. But there will be a few signs of life in the meantime

  • The second season of the Blessed Hope Podcast is in the works—a deep dive into the Thessalonian letters. Also, I’ll have a big announcement for those of you who make it through the first season of the Blessed Hope Podcast (the fourteen episodes on Galatians)

  • New Warfield and Biblical Studies Tabs have been added to the Riddleblog header

  • My lectures on “Apologetics in a Post-Christian Age” from the C-Ref Wednesday night Bible studies are now posted under sermons and lectures (Apologetic in a Post-Christian Age (scroll down)

To read the Musings, follow the link below

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Musings and Updates (6/22/2022)

A Few Updates

  • Thanks to all of you listening to the Blessed Hope Podcast. Season One (my niche exposition of Galatians) is doing much better than I anticipated. Thanks too to those of you who gave me five-star reviews and comments! Please keep `em coming! The more reviews the easier it is to find and subscribe to the podcast.

  • Lord willing, I’ll have a free gift for those of you who make it through all fourteen episodes of Season One. Details to come once the entire first season is posted on the various podcast feeds. If you can stand me for fourteen hours, you ought to get something for your efforts. Watch for updates.

  • Also, watch for updates on Season Two, which will be devoted to Paul’s Thessalonian Letters. Lots of Eschatology! Coming in the Fall, Lord Willing.

  • The annual summer slowdown at the Riddleblog is drawing near. I retired from Christ Reformed Church at the end of 2020, and then took up the role of visiting professor at Westminster Seminary California in February of 2021, teaching a class or two each semester since. With Covid disrupting travel, I and my missus have not had a break since I retired. So . . . a break is coming. The mountains are calling . . .

  • The move from the old Riddleblog to this new version is nearly complete. If you want any of the stuff posted on the old blog, get it now. Sermon texts on the old Riddleblog (in PDF) will eventually move to the Christ Reformed website archives (and perhaps here too).

  • I’m doing some editing and updates of the blog. A couple of new tabs are in the works to make finding things more accessible.

To See the “Musings,” follow the link below

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Musings (5/20/22)
  • More great stuff from Dr. Godfrey’s lecture series at the Escondido URC:

Dr. Godfrey -- "What Is Going on Right Now?" Lecture 13

Dr. Godfrey -- "What Is Going on Right Now?" Lecture 14

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Musings (4/25/22)
  • My favorite political theorist, Yuval Levin, nails it (again): Levin: How to Cure the Culture War

  • A great summary from Craig Carter: 25 Theses on Classical Christian Trinitarianism

  • Putin is not alone. More wannabe autocrats are on the rise. The world order is changing, and not for the better: The Age of the Strong Man

  • The prophecy pundits must be going crazy over this one—a call to rebuild the Jerusalem Temple. Granted it is one thing to call for the temple to be rebuilt, but entirely another to actually clear off the Al Aqsa Mosque and begin construction. A more important question: “why would you want to see the Temple rebuilt with animal sacrifices resuming?” If you think this is a great idea, please re-read the Book of Hebrews: Time to Rebuild the Temple

    To read the rest of this edition of Musings, follow the link below

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Musings (3/17/22)
  • So, will Vlad the Invader use nukes? What is current Russian military doctrine regarding the use of tactical nuclear and chemical weapons on the battlefield? There is an informative (if disconcerting) discussion of Russian doctrine in episode 21 of the School of War Podcast. This one is highly recommended, especially as the tides of war seem to be shifting in Ukraine’s favor. The more Vlad the Invader is backed into a corner, the more this becomes an issue.

  • Another installment of Dr. Godfrey’s great series. Dr. W Robert Godfrey: " What is Going on Right Now?" (11)

  • Arians beware! Here’s a helpful look at the doctrine of eternal generation: Scott Swain on John 8 and the Eternal Generation of the Son

  • The prophecy pundits are back! To all who think (and preach) that Vlad the Invader’s attack upon Ukraine is predicted in biblical prophecy, here’s a nice rebuttal. Jesus did predict wars and rumors of wars as a characteristic of the inter-advental age, but many have got the whole “Gog” thing wrong (More End Times Fiction)

  • Here’s yet another reason why a proper distinction between law and gospel helps us to understand all the Bible. Scott Clark on Luke 18:18-30 and the Rich Young Ruler

    To read the rest of Musings, follow the link below

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Musings (3/3/2022)

I grew up during the cold war. I remember duck and cover drills in elementary school. Our teacher told us to stay away from the windows during these drills, because if there was a blast nearby, the glass would shatter and injure us. I grew up hearing the monthly testing of civil defense air raid sirens. There was a small Nike-Ajax missile base just a couple of miles from my house—the missiles pointing skyward for all to see. We knew where the local bomb shelters were and the secret hospitals and emergency bunkers (under shopping centers and county buildings) were not terribly secret. I vividly remember Lyndon Johnson’s famed Daisy Girl” Political Advertisement, which nuked Barry Goldwater’s 1964 presidential hopes—one of the most effective television commercials ever run.

I am so very thankful that my wife and I raised our sons without that kind of fear hanging in the air. Apparently, many Europeans in the EU and NATO-allied nations remember those days too, and have decided that Vlad the Invader’s murderous dream to re-incorporate Ukraine into a revived Russian empire cannot stand. In two short weeks, the world has changed. A truly remarkable turn of events.

To read more “musings” follow the link below

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Musings ( 02/16/2022)

Dr. Godfrey continues his series, “What Is Going on Right Now?” These lectures are “must listen”

Dr. Robert W. Godfrey: "What Is Going on Right Now?" (9)

Dr. W. Robert Godfrey: "What Is Going On Right Now? (10)

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