Posts in Blessed Hope Podcast
A New Episode of "The Future" Is Up on The Blessed Hope Podcast! "The Returning King and His Kingdom"

Episode Synopsis:

The kingdom of God is a major topic throughout the Scriptures. The kingdom of God refers to the rule or reign of God over all of creation and all of its creatures. The Old Testament speaks of YHWH as Israel’s king, whose kingdom is everlasting. The prophets speak of this kingdom using royal images associated with heavenly glory and absolute sovereignty–the creator of all things does indeed rule over all that he has made. Everything is subject to him.

Although YHWH rules the nations, because of Israel’s repeated and stubborn rebellion against him, YHWH has directed those nations to conquer Israel and possess the promised land. This is why the focus of the later prophets is upon the future, when YHWH’s kingdom is gloriously and finally realized. Israel’s king will come to visit his people with salvation, but will also mete out judgment upon all who reject his rule.

So, when the messianic age dawns with the supernatural conception and birth of Jesus, we should not be surprised that it is in his person and work that YHWH’s promised kingdom will be realized. Since Jesus is YHWH’s promised king, YHWH’s kingdom has arrived in and with him–such a kingdom cannot exist apart from its king, Jesus, the second person of the blessed Trinity who is God now clothed in human flesh.

The arrival of this kingdom can be seen in the preaching of John the Baptist, the last of the Old Testament prophets who speaks of a coming one in whom YHWH’s kingdom will dawn. Throughout his messianic mission Jesus proclaims that in him YHWH’s kingdom draws near–it is a major theme of his preaching. This kingdom conquers all, but not in the way we might think, nor in the way Israel expected. They wanted Jesus to restore David’s kingdom and lead them to victory over the Romans. When Jesus taught otherwise, he was rejected by his people, crucified, and then rose again from the dead. He ascended to the Father’s right hand and promised to return. Jesus’ kingdom is a spiritual kingdom absolutely victorious over the guilt and power of sin. He has defeated Satan in anticipation of a time when that kingdom will be fully and finally consummated on the last day, when all the inhabitants of the earth bow the knee and confess that Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

That day, when Jesus returns and his kingdom comes in its fullness lies at the heart of the New Testament’s eschatology. It is that kingdom about which Jesus taught us to pray, “thy kingdom come.” Jesus, Paul, and the rest of the New Testament writers direct us to that time in the future when our king will return and his kingdom will be consummated. On that day all tears will be wiped from our eyes, we will receive our promised inheritance, and not a hint or trace of human sin will remain. This beloved, is our hope for the future and this is the context in which we must discuss the signs of the end.

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The Next Episode of "The Future" Is Up! "This Age and the the Age to Come: the Implausibility of Premillennialism"

Episode Synopsis:

I begin this episode with a personal testimony.

I was born and raised a dispensationalist. Our family owned a Christian bookstore. The first Christian book I picked out and read on my own was Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth. Years later, I was challenged by one of our delivery men about the books we were selling–all the dispensationalist best sellers. He said he was “Reformed.” I thought he meant that he had gone to “reform school” or was on work release from prison. The questions he put to me bounced off like BB’s against a Battleship. Dispensationalism was biblical. How could anyone doubt that?

But those BB’s actually penetrated my embarrassingly thin armor. Eventually, I became a very reluctant Calvinist and then I started re-thinking my eschatology. After university and a year at the Simon Greenleaf School of Law (which was founded by John Warwick Montgomery, the faculty included Walter Martin, and Rod Rosenbladt, and is now the Trinity Law School in Santa Ana), I was steadily moving away from my doctrinal roots (Arminian and dispensational). I found that the Reformation views on law and gospel, the five solas, and the end times, were absolutely compelling because they were thoroughly biblical. To my surprise Drs. Montgomery and Rosenbladt suggested a career change–seminary, specifically the new seminary in Escondido (90 miles to the South), Westminster Seminary California.

In the Acts and Paul class taught by Dennis Johnson, I first encountered what I came to know as the two-age model–terms I was familiar with from reading the New Testament but never thought much about–“this age” and “the age to come.” After reading Herman Ridderbos and Geerhardus Vos on Paul, I realized how serious a challenge the two-model was to my premillennial eschatology (I had pretty much given up on most of my dispensationalism by then, although I still thought like one). Driving home after Dr. Johnson’s class, I had an “ah-ha moment.” “I can’t be premillennial any more.” The two-age model makes premillennialism (in all its forms) a biblical impossibility. I dug in my heels and fought the inevitable. But here I am far down the road, presenting and defending the two-age model. If you’ve not heard this before, you are in for a real surprise. This is a game changer in terms of your view of the end times.

To read the show notes and listen to the episode, follow the link below

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A New Blessed Hope Podcast Series! "The Future" In the First Episode We Tackle the Question, "How the Past Shapes the Future"

Episode Synopsis:

We are beginning a new series on the Blessed Hope Podcast, “The Future.”

In this series we will wrestle with the question “what does the future hold for God’s people?” What historical events and biblical prophecies remain to be fulfilled before Jesus returns on the last day? How are we to interpret the various signs of the end we find throughout the New Testament?

In this series we will talk about the necessity of understanding the biblical past (specifically the person and work of Jesus Christ) since this gives us the biblical context to understand the promises God makes to us about the future. What do we expect and what are we to be looking for? To what (or to whom) do the signs of the end point?

In order to answer these questions we will need to talk about the proper biblical framework in which the signs of the end unfold. Our future expectation is not the Rapture or a millennial age, but the return of Jesus Christ to raise the dead, judge the world, and make all things new. Biblically speaking, all of the promises of the future center in and upon our Lord’s return. This is the critical event to which all of the signs of the end point us.

So, what is included among the signs of the end? We’ll talk about this in some detail in the episodes to come. Wars and rumors of war? What about technology? What about plagues? We’ve just lived through one. What about Israel? What role will Israel play in the future? What about an Antichrist? How does he figure into the end times? Can we make any specific predictions about what is to come?

We discuss all of the things and more in coming episodes in our new Blessed Hope Podcast series “The Future.”

To listen to the episode and see the show notes, follow the link below

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"What’s Next for the Blessed Hope Podcast?" Season Two Wrap Up!

Season Two Postscript – Where Do We Go from Here?

We’ve completed season two of the Blessed Hope Podcast, fifteen episodes in all, in which we covered Paul’s two Thessalonian letters. The season two series was entitled “when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven,” taken from 2 Thessalonians 1:7, a text which captures Paul emphasis in these two letters upon the key event in biblical eschatology–the second coming (advent) of the Lord Jesus Christ. Well, as they say, “that’s a wrap!”

The obvious question then is “where does the Blessed Hope Podcast go from here?”

To Listen to the Postscript Episode for Season Two of the Blessed Hope Podcast, follow the link below

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The Season Two Finale of the Blessed Hope Podcast, "The Lord Is Faithful," (2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:18)

Episode Synopsis:

As Paul comes to the end of his second Thessalonian letter, he still has much to say to the Christians in Thessalonica. But the most important thing the apostle does when concluding his second letter, is to remind the Thessalonians of his prayer of thanksgiving on their behalf. Paul hopes this will be of great encouragement. The apostle reminds them that God has graciously rescued these Gentile pagans from the guilt and power of sin, and points out to his readers that they will share in the glory of Jesus Christ through the gospel which has been preached to them. But Paul also asks for their prayers on his behalf–that the same word which he preached to them, might continue to spread and that many more would be brought to faith in Jesus Christ.

Paul also exhorts them to stand firm in the things which he has taught them–that tradition (or teaching) proclaimed to them by the apostle. He prays for their comfort and assurance in Christ, that God’s word be honored, and that God would see fit to deliver them from evil men–those who drove Paul from their city and who seek to keep the gospel from spreading. Paul reminds them that the Lord is faithful in keeping his promises, but he also warns some in their midst not to be idle so as to be a burden on others. He mandates that those who will not work, should not be given a handout. Yet, he also cautions the Thessalonians that this “tough love” approach is to be done for the purpose of restoring such a person.

Paul concludes his second letter by praying for God’s blessings upon the congregation, he attaches his signature to this letter to confirm its authenticity, and then closes by reminding these brothers and sisters that the Lord is always with them.

So there is much here to discuss–election and its connection to the gospel, election as the basis for our sanctification and its connection to the Word of God, the role and authority of tradition, and finally what to do about the idle (the application of church discipline).

To see the show notes and listen to the podcast, follow the link below

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Paul's "Man of Sin" (Part Two), the Next Installment of the Blessed Hope Podcast Is Ready! Join Us As We Discuss the Antichrist and 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Episode Synopsis:

Soon after Paul sent his first letter to the Thessalonian Christians, the apostle received word that someone in the congregation was teaching that the day of the Lord had already come. Composing his second Thessalonian letter to correct this error, Paul makes it abundantly clear that anyone spreading such a rumor is flat-out wrong. Paul declares that two things must occur before the day of the Lord can come. First there will be a great apostasy, and only then comes the revelation of a figure Paul identifies as “the man of sin”– an individual often associated with the Antichrist.

But Paul also tells the Thessalonians that a mysterious “restrainer” is currently preventing the man of sin from being revealed. He informs the Thessalonians that at some point this restrainer (a “who” or a “what”) will cease to restrain the man of sin, who will then appear (in connection with the apostasy) only to be destroyed by Jesus Christ when the day of the Lord does come to pass.

In part two of our study of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12, we will discuss this mysterious restrainer in some detail, identify to whom or what Paul is referring, and then wrestle with the question of the timing when all of this will come to pass. Is Paul referring to the events of AD 70 and the destruction of the Jerusalem temple–which are still future to him, but long in the past for us? Or is he predicting an end-times Antichrist, who will appear at the end of the age immediately before Jesus returns?

To see the show notes and listen to the podcast, follow the link below

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"The Man of Sin" (Part One) -- The Latest Episode of the Blessed Hope Podcast Is Up As We Tackle 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 and the Doctrine of the Antichrist!

Episode Synopsis:

There is little doubt that one of the most interesting, controversial, and a constant source of on-going speculation is the doctrine of the Antichrist.

Indeed, there has been so much written about the Antichrist by Christians–both ancient and modern–and so many references made to the Antichrist in film and popular culture, it is vital that we go back to the biblical accounts of this mysterious and evil figure to separate biblical fact from speculative fiction. What does the Bible actually say about the Antichrist?

Paul tackles the subject head on in his second Thessalonian letter. Soon after completion of his first Thessalonian letter, Paul received news that someone in the Thessalonian congregation was teaching that the day of the Lord had already come. If true, this meant that all of Christ’s promises to his people have already been realized. It also reminds us that Bible prophecy pundits and speculators have been around for a long time.

Paul exhorts the Thessalonians not to listen to such wild speculation because the day of the Lord had not yet come. Two things need to happen first. One is a great apostasy, and only then comes the revelation of a figure whom Paul identifies as “the man of sin.” Either the apostasy creates the conditions necessary for the man of sin to be revealed, or the apostasy is closely connected to the man of sin’s appearance. But Paul is clear that the day of the Lord has not come because these two things have not yet occurred when he writes his second letter.

Paul also tells the Thessalonians that something is preventing the appearance of the man of sin, a mysterious “restrainer” who, at some point, will cease to hold back the revelation of the man of sin (the Antichrist), who then will be destroyed by Jesus when the Lord returns.

Join us then, in this, part one of our discussion of the “man of sin,” as we tackle 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12.

To read the show notes and/or listen to the episode, follow the link below

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A New Episode of the Blessed Hope Podcast! “When the Lord Jesus Is Revealed from Heaven” (2 Thessalonians 1:1-12)

Episode Synopsis:

Paul has already written one letter to the Thessalonians to clear up the confusion in their midst about the Lord’s return on the last day. Paul has instructed the congregation that should anyone die before the Lord’s return, they will not miss out on any of the benefits secured for them by Jesus Christ (including eternal life) as some feared. Paul also told them that since the Lord will return as a thief in the night (suddenly and unexpectedly), there should be no speculation among them about the date or timing of Christ’s return.

But not long after the first letter was sent, additional news came to Paul that someone in Thessalonica had been teaching that the day of the Lord had already come. So, Paul writes a second letter to the Thessalonians to inform them that the day of the Lord had not come since two as yet future event must occur before Jesus returns. First, there will come a time of great apostasy, and then will come the revelation of the man of sin–a figure often spoken of as the Antichrist. Furthermore, these things cannot happen until a present and mysterious restraining power is lifted so that the man of sin is revealed, only to be destroyed by the Lord Jesus at his return.

Paul opens this second letter by reminding the Thessalonians that when Jesus returns he will bring about God’s righteous judgment–when all accounts are settled and everything will be made right. But Christians need not fear this day because the coming day of God’s wrath, vengeance, and vindication is their day of deliverance when God is glorified in his saints. Paul also writes to these Christians to encourage them to persevere against the opposition they were facing, and reveal the content of his prayers for them. There is much here, so get out your Bible and join us for a look at 2 Thessalonians chapter 1.

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More Places to Find Paul's Two Age Eschatology

Paul’s two age eschatology can be seen in various ways throughout Paul’s letters.[1] Here are several examples:

• First, the contrast which Paul develops in Romans 5:12-19 and in 1 Corinthians 15:42-49, between Adam (the first man, the biological and federal head of the human race, whose disobedience brought about sin, guilt, and death) and the “last” Adam (Christ), whose one act of obedience brings righteousness and life to his people. Adam is of this age, Christ is of the age to come.

• Second, Paul’s contrast between “flesh,” (what we are in Adam, fallen, and “jars of clay”–2 Corinthians 4:7) and “the gift of the Spirit.” Those who are indwelt by the Spirit possess eternal life according to 2 Corinthians 2:4-18, where Paul contrasts what is seen with what is unseen.[2] Paul also speaks of those who are sealed by the indwelling Holy Spirit until the day of the redemption of our bodies at the resurrection (Ephesians 1:11-14).

• Third, Paul contrasts death as the inevitable outcome of life in this present evil age with eternal life, which is described as participation in the new creation, inaugurated by Jesus at his resurrection (Romans 8:20-21; 1 Corinthians 15:45, 47; Colossians 1:15-17).

• Fourth, Paul speaks of the wrath of God, which is the fate of all things associated with “this age” in contrast with the reception of the promised inheritance (all that is ours in Christ, i.e., resurrection life, eschatological glory, etc., as in I Thessalonians 1:10; Ephesians 2:3, 5:6).

• Fifth, Paul contrasts the law (associated with this age, and a major point of discussion in Galatians 2-4) with the gospel (God’s work of redemption in Christ). This, of course, is a major theme in confessional Protestant theology.

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Coming Soon! -- The Blessed Hope Podcast Episodes on 2 Thessalonians

I am hard at work on the concluding episodes of season two of our podcast series on Paul’s two Thessalonian Letters entitled, “when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven.”

In our remaining episodes on 2 Thessalonians, we will cover Christ’s return to vindicate his persecuted people (2 Thessalonians 1:5-12), Paul’s discussion of a great apostasy, and the appearing of the “man of sin” (2 Thessalonians 2:1-12). How does Paul’s man of sin relate to the doctrine of antichrist, thought to be an end-times personification of evil, who is presently being restrained? We will conclude our time in this letter by considering Paul’s instructions to the Thessalonian church as they await the Lord’s return (2 Thessalonians 3:1-18).

You can catch all of the previous episodes in this series, as well as season one on the Book of Galatians, here: "The Blessed Hope Podcast with Dr. Kim Riddlebarger" or here: The Blessed Hope Podcast

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A New Episode of the Blessed Hope Podcast! "We Urge You Brothers" — Instructions Regarding What to Do Until Jesus Returns (1 Thessalonians 5:12-28)

Episode Synopsis:

Since the Lord will return suddenly and unexpectedly, what are the Thessalonians to do until Jesus’s return? Paul has already encouraged them earlier in his letter, telling them that they are doing well despite the persecution and on-going threats they were receiving from Jews and Greco-Roman pagans in Thessalonica. But Paul knows there is always the possibility that things might go south. Therefore, he uses his closing remarks to urge the Thessalonians to be at peace among themselves and respect those who labor among them.

Paul also takes the opportunity to urge them to encourage any strugglers and malingerers in their midst, to do good, to pray without ceasing, and to avoid evil. He reminds them that the Lord will deliver them from their enemies and right all wrongs on the day of judgment. Paul urges the Thessalonians not to quench the Spirit, nor despise prophecy. He prays that God will sanctify them so that they might be blameless on the day of the Lord’s return. He then instructs the brothers to make sure his letter is read aloud in the churches, so any questions the congregation had about the Lord’s return might be answered.

As we have come to see from Paul, there is much practical wisdom here, which is as much a benefit to Christians now as it was to Thessalonicans who first heard this letter read in their churches.

To see the show notes and listen to the podcast, follow the link below:

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A New Episode of the Blessed Hope! "Like a Thief in the Night" — Paul's Discussion of the Timing of the our Lord's Return in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Episode Synopsis:

Date-setting has been a problem for God’s people since the days of the apostles. Church history is full of the accounts of those who, for whatever reason, attempted to figure out when Jesus will return, set dates, and then miserably failed to predict the unpredictable. Two recent examples should suffice. Edgar C. Whisenant predicted the Lord’s return in 1988 in his booklet, “88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988.” When that failed, he went for 1989. When that failed he picked 1993. And when that failed, he went for 1994. He died in 2001, preventing any future date-setting. The first book created quite a stir, and sold lots of copies (4.5 million of them). Although the later volumes (each with a revised date of Christ’s return) drew less of an audience, Whisenant’s reach was still far larger than anything than any sound theologian has written on the end times before or after.

And there was Harold Camping–a CRC elder–who, in 2005, predicted that Jesus would return on May 21, 2011. According to Camping, those who were saved would be taken to heaven while five months of fire, brimstone, and plagues will strike the earth, with millions dying under the divine onslaught. Following his own time-line Camping concluded that on October 21, 2011 (five months after the rapture), final destruction would come upon the world. When none of this materialized, Camping was completely discredited, his radio empire nearly collapsed, and in response, he called upon Christians to leave their churches because they had all become apostate! By that I take Camping to mean that Christians stopped listening to him and churches were calling him out for his date setting. So, they were at fault not Camping.

When we turn to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 of Paul’s Thessalonian letter, and carefully consider what Paul teaches about the Lord’s parousia, (coming) it does not take long to realize that according to Paul, Christ’s return will be like “a thief in the night.” The Lord’s return will be sudden and unexpected, and will bring about sudden destruction (i.e., final judgment) upon those who do not expect it because they are blissfully indifferent to the awful fate which awaits all those apart from faith in Jesus Christ.

To listen to this episode and see the show notes, follow the link below

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"The Rapture" (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) -- Don’t be Left Behind! Episode Nine of the Blessed Hope Podcast on Paul's Thessalonian Letters Is Ready

Episode Synopsis:

As a baby boomer, I grew up during the Cold War, when the threat of nuclear war was real and constant. In 1948, Israel became a nation and many Jews began returning to their ancient homeland. The “Six Day War” of 1967, fought between Israel and a confederation of Arab states, sure made it seem as though the dispensational expectation of the rapture of the Gentile church, followed by a seven-year tribulation period in which antichrist would make a peace treaty with Israel, only to turn upon the nation leading to the Battle of Armageddon, was at hand. Fear and uncertainty among God’s people during this time created a huge and eager audience as well as perfect timing for Hal Lindsey to release his blockbuster book, the Late Great Planet Earth which was the best-selling book in the United States during the 1970's, selling some 28 million copies by 1990. Lindsey put into popular terms how current events were unfolding as the fulfillment of God’s plan to redeem his people, save Israel, and usher in the millennial age. But what was to come next on this time line? The “rapture.” The rapture became the main hope of vast numbers of Bible-believing Christians. Jesus will return to rapture believers before any nuclear holocaust thereby sparing believers from such horrors, and the removal of the Gentile church will allow God to return to dealing with Israel, the apple of his eye. Everything centered upon the “rapture.”

But when Paul discusses the meaning of Jesus Christ’s parousia (or his coming) in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, does the apostle actually teach anything like the end-times scenario as taught by dispensationalists and popularized by the likes of Hal Lindsey? In this ninth episode of season two of the Blessed Hope Podcast in which are working our way through Paul’s two Thessalonian letters, we will consider Paul’s discussion of the Lord’s return. While Paul is certain of the Lord’s return to raise the dead, judge the world and make all things new, he knows nothing of the “rapture” in the form embraced by so many. What does Paul teach about the Lord’s return? Stay tuned.

To listen to the episode and view the show notes, follow the links below:

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"The Coming of the Lord" (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) — Episode Eight of Season Two of the Blessed Hope Podcast Is Up

Episode Synopsis:

The greatest event in all of human history was the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The most hoped for event in humanity’s future is Jesus Christ’s return when he will raise the dead, judge the world, and bring about the new creation.  Since the moment Jesus Christ ascended into heaven and the attending angels told his disciples that he would return in the same manner in which he departed, his people have longed for Jesus to return.  Our greatest hope is to be that generation still living when the Lord returns so that we need never taste death.  Along with the first Christians we cry out, “Maranatha!  The Lord come!” 

Like many of us, the Thessalonians had questions about details of the Lord’s return–what it means and when it will happen.  When they first heard Paul’s teaching and preaching they gladly accepted this wonderful truth that Jesus’s resurrection and ascension guaranteed our Lord’s bodily return at the end of the age.  But some of them wondered, “what happens to those who die before our Lord comes back?”  Do they miss out on the benefits of the resurrection?  Others were asking “how soon will the Lord return?”  They took Paul to be saying the Lord would return very soon.    Do the signs of Jesus’ return of which Paul had spoken, give Christians the tantalizing clues from which we can figure out when the Lord will return?

Paul addresses these questions in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11.  We’ll talk about all of this in the next three episodes of the Blessed Hope Podcast as we consider Paul’s answers to the questions about Christ’s second advent put to him by the Thessalonians.

To see the show notes and listen to the podcast, follow the link below

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"This Is the Will of God: Paul on Sexual Purity" (1 Thessalonians 4:1-12) -- Episode Seven Ready to Go!

Episode Synopsis:

In chapter four of his first Thessalonian letter, Paul addresses the issues surrounding what it means to turn from idols to serve the true and living God. Paul is concerned with how these new Christians in Thessalonica “walk in the Lord” – that is, how they ought to live the Christian life in contrast to the way they lived before when they served idols. In verses 3-8 of chapter four, Paul takes up the matter of Christian sexual ethics. Those to whom Paul is writing knew nothing of the sexual purity God expects from his people before Paul arrived and preached the gospel to them. All they have known is a pagan sexuality which is often libertine (anything goes since the pagans understood sexual relations apart from personal morality). Greco-Roman men commonly had wives who raised the children and kept the home, but saw nothing wrong with premarital or extra-marital sexual relationships. In this episode of The Blessed Hope, we will consider Paul’s exhortation to avoid sexual immorality, and to live quiet lives, minding our own business, and not being dependent upon others.

To listen to the episode and see the show notes, follow the link below

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Thank You So Much!

Quite a milestone for a niche podcast put together in a makeshift home studio by a rank amateur podcaster!

Over its short run of twenty-two episodes, the Blessed Hope Podcast has far exceeded all my expectations. Thanks to each one of you who have encouraged others to listen! It has worked because other than my social media accounts, the Blessed Hope has received no promotion, does not rely on guests, yet the audience continues to grow, with folks listening in from around the world.

Lord willing, there’s more to come as I press ahead to complete Season Two covering Paul’s Thessalonian Letters.

If you haven’t listened in yet, give it a try!

Maranatha! The Lord Come!!!!

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“Labor and Toil, Calling and Kingdom, Hindering the Gospel” (1 Thessalonians 2:1-16) Episode Five of the Blessed Hope Podcast Series on Paul's Thessalonian Letters

Episode Synopsis:

In chapter two of Paul’s first Thessalonian letter, Paul defends himself against accusations raised by those who had driven him from the city. Paul is not just another itinerant philosopher who wanders throughout the land seeking to tickle ears and gain a following. Paul’s conduct in Thessalonica was blameless and it should be clear to all that Paul not only labored among them but took nothing from them. The gospel Paul preached was revealed to him by Jesus Christ and through that gospel, God’s calls his people to faith in the Son of God and includes them into his kingdom and glory. But Paul then says a number of harsh things about those who sought to hinder him from preaching the gospel–the Jews. These are some of the most controversial words in all of Paul’s letters.

In this jam-packed episode, we’ll discuss Paul’s example in Thessalonica, his doctrine of “calling” and its connection to the “kingdom of God,” and then we will address the charge that Paul was an anti-Semite, because of his harsh words about those who sought to prevent him from preaching the gospel.

To listen to the podcast and see the show notes, follow the link below

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"Deliverance from the Wrath to Come" -- Episode Four of My Series on Paul’s Thessalonian Letters

Episode Synopsis:

There is one thing a congregation dislikes even more than stewardship Sunday–a sermon on the wrath of God. To proclaim that the wrath of God is coming upon the whole world (and it is) is be thought of as some sort of fundamentalist with the misguided faith of a snake-handler, or the mind-set of a Jihadi terrorist. Any one who believes such a thing is considered a kooky zealot who probably carries around a sandwich-board sign which reads, “Repent, for the end is near!”

Since Paul ties Christ’s second advent to the coming day of wrath, he creates very difficult problems for all forms of premillennialism–those who insist that Jesus’s Christ return will usher in a thousand year reign of Jesus upon the earth with the final judgment not occurring until the millennium comes to an end. How does this fit with Paul’s declaration in 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10 that deliverance from the coming wrath of God occurs when Jesus returns? (Hint, it doesn’t). What does what does this say to those engaged in the “pre” and “post” trib debate, and to the dispensationalist expectation of a future seven-year tribulation period?

We’ll tackle these issues and more in this edition of the Blessed Hope Podcast

To listen to the podcast and view the show notes, follow the link below

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"The Church as the Renewed Israel" -- Episode Three of the Blessed Hope Podcast Series on the Thessalonian Letters

Synopsis of Episode Three:

In the opening verses of his first Thessalonian letter, Paul sends warm greetings to those from whom he has recently departed. This departure was not of his own doing. After spending three Sabbaths in Thessalonica with this newly organized church, Paul was driven from the city by a “rentamob” organized by Jews in the city who saw the Christian missionaries, Paul, Silas, and Timothy, as a threat to the religion of Israel. But Paul does something unexpected in the opening verses, speaking of the new and largely Gentile church as the “assembly of the Lord”–which is another way of speaking of this congregation as a fulfillment of God’s promise to redeem Israel in the messianic restoration foretold by Israel’s prophets. Perhaps even more unexpected, Paul speaks of those who have turned from idol worship as “chosen by God,” another image drawn from the Old Testament. A Gentile church in Thessalonica is depicted by Paul as the “assembly of the Lord,” composed of those “chosen by God,” included in true Israel.

To listen to episode three and see the show notes, follow the link below

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Episode Two of Season Two of Our Study of Paul’s Thessalonian Letters Is Ready! "Paul's Theological Categories"

Synopsis of Episode Two: “Paul’s Theological Categories”

Paul was converted about 33 AD when Jesus appeared to him on the Damascus Road, revealing to Paul the content of the gospel he was to preach. Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians was written around 50 AD, just short of twenty years after his conversion. By this time, Paul has a settled theology–his basic theological categories are in place. He applied these categories in Galatia in opposition to the Judaizers, and he now applies them in an entirely different set of circumstances in Thessalonica. Paul is not making his doctrine up on the fly. So, what was this “settled theology” and how does Paul apply these basic theological categories in his letters to the Thessalonians?

To see the show notes and listen to the podcast, follow the link below

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