Posts in Blessed Hope Podcast
The Blessed Hope Podcast -- Episode Four: "Paul Confronts Peter, Table Fellowship with Gentiles, and Paul's Doctrine of Justification" (Galatians 2:11-21)

Peter’s confrontation with Peter in Antioch was a remarkable event, not only in the Apostolic era, but one with huge ramifications down to the present day. In the fourth episode of our series on Galatians, we work our way through Galatians 2:11-21. In this episode we tackle Paul’s conflict with Peter, the issue of table fellowship with Gentiles, the New Perspective on Paul’s misreading of the dispute, before we turn to Paul’s doctrine of justification by faith and not by works (v. 16). This is a packed episode divided into two parts (about 40 minutes in).

To listen to episode four follow the link below

To see the previous episodes in this series, The Blessed Hope Podcast

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The Blessed Hope Podcast -- Episode Three: "Paul's Conversion, Visit to Jerusalem, and the Gentile Mission" (Galatians 1:11-2:10)

In the third episode of our series on Galatians, we take a look at Paul’s defense of his apostolic office in the face of direct challenges to his gospel from the Judaizers in Galatia. In this section of Galatians (Galatians 1:11-2:10), Paul recounts his call and conversion, his early ministry in Damascus and Arabia, his two post-conversion trips to Jerusalem when he met with the other apostles, and his time in Syrian Antioch and Cilicia (an area which includes Paul’s hometown, Tarsus).

To listen to this episode, follow the link below

To see the other episodes in this series, Click Here

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Coming Soon! The Blessed Hope Podcast

I have been thinking about doing a podcast for some time, and have decided to go ahead. I hope to launch the Blessed Hope at some point after Easter, tentatively in mid-April (about a month out).

The Blessed Hope introductory episode will discuss the topics I’ll be covering, my goals and hopes for the podcast, as well as laying out my tentative schedule. There will be show notes accompanying each episode, with lots of bibliography, and a format to ask questions which I hope to answer in subsequent podcasts.

I’d be grateful, if you’d give the podcast a listen once it launches, and if you find it of value, spread the word! Watch for updates in the weeks ahead.

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