Article 6: The Saving Power of the Gospel
What, therefore, neither the light of nature nor the law can do, God accomplishes by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the Word or the ministry of reconciliation. This is the gospel about the Messiah, through which it has pleased God to save believers, in both the Old and the New Testament.
How do people come to faith in Jesus Christ, if the light of nature only serves to render those of every race, tribe, and tongue without excuse (cf. Romans 1:20)?
Furthermore, how do people come to faith in Christ if the law was given, in part, to be the means of exposing our wickedness and inciting us to sin all the more, thereby demonstrating to us that we are guilty sinners who desperately need a savior?
Recall that under the first head of doctrine the authors of the Canons were very careful to point out that if there is nothing good which resides in us which motivates God to act on our behalf and deliver us from our sins, then the only reason why any of us come to faith in Jesus Christ is to be found solely in God’s goodness and graciousness. We have also seen that God elects to save a multitude of the fallen sons and daughters of Adam so vast that no one can count them. God delivers his elect from the guilt and power of their sins.
The only reason why any of those who are rendered without excuse by the light of nature and demonstrated to be guilty through the law come to faith in Christ at all, is to be found in God’s decree to save those he has chosen based upon reasons known only to himself.
But God not only ordains the ends—who will be saved—he also ordains the means by which he will save them. God graciously calls his elect to faith in Jesus through the foolishness of the preaching of the gospel—the point made here in article six.
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