Riddleblog and Blessed Hope Podcast Updates:
As the current Blessed Hope Podcast series on 1 Corinthians winds down, a head’s up. I’ll be taking a bit of a break to work on a book project, before picking back up with 2 Corinthians. Then, Lord willing, it is on to Romans!
To my surprise, my recent piece on releasing the JFK files and the deep state had more traffic than any other Riddleblog post since I updated the blog five years ago. I did have several posts with higher traffic on the Old Riddleblog (such as Jack Bauer’s Man Bag and my reply to J-Mac’s 2007 Shepherd’s Conference lecture on Dispensationalism and Calvinism. But that was in the golden days of blogging . . .
Thinking Out Loud:
I gave up Lent for Lent.
This year’s Oscars awards ceremony demonstrates how far removed I am from certain elements of pop culture. I did not know the names of any of the five movies nominated, few of the actors nominated (and none of the younger ones). I didn’t watch even two minutes of what has become a series of red carpet wardrobe malfunctions (most are intentional, I am sure) and political diatribes from twits who make bad movies and have never read a book. My sons are grown and have been gone from home for years, my dear wife doesn’t care about Hollywood, so I have finally reached the point of complete and total indifference to the Oscar Awards (the Grammys, too). I don’t miss any of it.
Evidence of the decline of Western Civilization continues to mount. The New York Yankees caved on their ban on facial hair—now allowing players to sport groomed beards and mustaches. Somewhere, Johnny Damon is rejoicing. Ugh . . .
I’ve heard political commentators of late accuse their opponents of championing “false facts.” Excuse me, but something that is false cannot be a “fact.” Why not speak of your opponent as pushing “falsehoods.”
Shaq recently scored an annual contract of 14 mil to laugh at Charles Barkley. Since I can’t stand to watch current NBA games, I catch Shaq, Barkley, et al., on YouTube occasionally. Poor Ernie Johnson trying to corral them . . . they are indeed hilarious.
I’m not an RFKjr fan, but I wouldn’t mind seeing his proposed ban on TV and on-line advertising for alphabet bending medications implemented. “Ask your Doctor about `x’” for an illness you’ve never heard of, and didn’t know you possibly had, until the commercial made you wonder about it. Of course, the side effects are worse than the illness and require three more medications to remedy.
I’m also tired of YouTube/TV ads with folks rubbing potions, goos, and balms all over themselves while clothed in nothing but their skivvies. Ban them too while you are at it!
Now, get off my lawn!
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